"6. Janganlah hendaknya kamu kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. 7. Damai sejahtera Allah yang melampaui segala akal, akan memelihara hati dan pikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus."
Gotta love dinosaurs, the bigger the better XD. I just watched walking with dinosaurs, monster and prehistoric beast again today, and somehow never get bored watching all these show.
Brachiosaurus (blue) looks small
no, it's not T-Rex
otherwise, still waiting for assassins creed 2 and left 4 dead 2 appear in cough...cough... site =3
woo I think I manage to get most of her albums by now, 15 in total excluding the singles, courtesy of the internet of course and the guy who upload it XD.
I've been looking for her albums for a very long time (only have 2 before), since Google hardly given any good results, torrent sites doesn't have that many and not well seeded, and at last I found a Spanish forum site through megaupload description that have all the collection.
Below is one of the song from her that I like back in the 2002, while still using Yahoo geocities for my blog before moving to blogspot in 2003.
just finished the single player and it took me around 6 hours in regular mode. it's great game though if you don't bother playing the multiplayer like me, since the multiplayer are the biggest let down of this game from what i see in the internet. it has this controversial level, you can choose at the beginning of the game to play or to skip it.
overall for me, it's great game! great single player in every aspect, but somehow to short?, it also have this coop mode where you can play with your buddies and lastly the multiplayer itself, it's like 3 in 1 package. and whats more interesting is that they made the ending cliffhanger, which probably lead to sequel somewhere in the future!
i just remember that i actually have a zune, found in in my closet while i was organizing it. no it's not the new zune hd =3, but it's 2nd generation zune one with 120gb hdd space. lol how come i dont remember that i own it XD, mmm...probably forgot about it since i just put somewhere when i move to my new apartment last year and then forgot about it completely.