Music : Minami Kaze - Mikuni Shimokawa
wooo im posting it from campus since i have nothing to do, and i have to wait for my sister to pick me up at 7, well 1.5 hours to go. lol i dont expect there will be a visitor in my blog, cause i dont publish this blog to public, mmm thats weird, but thanks anyway whoever visited my blog, sorry if you dont understand my language.
akhirnya masuk kelas lagi, hari ini hari pertama dan gw udah berhasil register 2 kelas. sekarang gw sih lagi nunggu cc jemput gw, karena dia kerja dan baru selesainya jam 7 nanti. gw ga bisa ngapa2in sih selain apartemen gw rada jauh dari kampus dan kita hanya punya 1 mobil ( itupun minjem temen ), sebetulnya sih bisa naik bus, sayang gw ga tahu rutenya aja. well dibeliin mobil sih ada kemungkinan, ribet juga kalau setiap hari gw harus nungguin cc gw jemput. well kalau dibeliin mobil ( semoga aja, udah rencana sih ) gw ada beberapa pilihan, tapi gara2 tight bugdet mobilnya harus less than $5000. this is it!
my first choice of car, i can only say "love at first sight". actually there is another car like this that i have my eye on, black colored one, too bad already sold. well this one isnt bad either, the only thing i dislike about this car is it has an auto transmision. i saw this car on autotrader, automart and autoextra, well this is the only one of its kind in my area ( within 100 miles radius, this is the closest one ), lets just hope it didnt sold before i buy it. the price tag for this car in the picture is 1995 model -> $3100.
1992-1995 Honda Civic Hatchback
also the first choice, if i dont get del sol i'd go for this one, still looking for the good one. there are a lot like this one out there and im looking for the Si version. the basic one is okay (CX/DX) since could swap the engine. this one in the picture is 1995 Si version manual, pricetag -> $3200. the bad thing about this one is located far away from my apartment, more than 75 miles.
if i can get more than $5000, i can go with :
- 1994-2001 Acura Integra ( saw 1997 GS-R for $5000 )
- 1996-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse ( GSX/GS-T preferable, but it's hard to find )
buat download gw lagi males aja, batalin download infinite ryviusnya, nungguin gw dibeliin dvd burner baru lanjutin downloadnya. ga ada anime yang lain pun jadi, well sejak browsing dan ga sengaja lihat screenshotnya ragnarok online 2 sekarang jadi pengen maen ragnarok online yang private server lagi, gw musti hati2 aja kalau dekat2 sama game online, takut jadi ketagihan dan akhirnya sekolahnya ga diperhatiin, soalnya udah 100% terbukti buat gw.
well kayaknya segitu aja uneg2 gw buat hari ini, duh cepet pengen pulang jadinya, bosen nungguin nih >_<
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