Monday, May 10, 2010

mother's day

happy mother's day to all mom who i know (and who i don't know too)!!!

BTW we have BBQ today after church, since yesterday plan was canceled since it's to cold outside. It's still pretty cold outside with sun shining brightly, we also set up some bonfire to make us warm. Well... I don't really ate that much, just one plate consist of a rib, a beef patty, jumbo hot-dog, grilled chicken, some chicken wings and mac & cheese with bacon. Somehow my stomach can't really accept that much, halfway through eating it I'm already full, I haven't try the deserts yet, still i did finish all the food since i don't wanna waste it =3. And guess what, my weight increase around 10 pounds (5 kg), when i check this morning it's around 86-87kg, now it's more than 90kg, hip hip hurray!!!! XD

video coming soon since i manage to took some video of it =D

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