Sunday, January 30, 2005

akhirnya weekend

Mood :

Music : Take My Life - Mercy Me

Lumayan tadi gw bisa ngerjain tesnya, untung datangnya ga telat, udah jam 8.15 cc gw belum bangun, mau bangunin ga enak gw, akhirnya sekitar 8.20 an keluar juga dari kamar dan langsung nganter gw. Sampai di kampus, sepi banget, maklum hari sabtu siapa juga yamg mau kuliah hari ini dan juga hari masih pagi. Begitu sampai kelas pas banget, kayaknya baru mulai tesnya, baru dibagiin kertasnya, anehnya ga ada guru yang ngejagain. Kerjain tesnya sampai selesai, rada binun juga di essaynya, gampang sih, cuma formatnya agak beda, perintahnya jangan "list" melainkan "write", jadi ga bisa langsung a....., b....., c....., dst. Keluar dari kelas jam 10.00 an, kumpulin tesnya sama paper sekalian ke drop box. Sambil nungguin jemput gw duduk2 di davidson hall, kebetulan sepi, lihat vending machine jadi pengen coba coffee machine, masukin kertas $5, pas udah neken tombolnya baru sadar gw ga ada gelas, binun jadinya karena biasanya gelasnya disediain, daripada wasted gw cancel aja, dapat kembalian recehan coin $1, baru tahu gw kalau ada $1 coin, abis itu gw tukerin lagi semuanya sama recehan 25c. Yang jemput kali ini Brix bukan cc gw.

Sampai rumah gw balik tidur lagi, bangun gara2 cc gw lagi bersih2 pakai vacuum cleaner, pas gw keluar Brix udah ga ada. Cari makanan dapat poptart, pas lagi ada cinematech khusus FFX, sayangnya cc gw nonton channel lain, untungnya dia mandi, jadi gw bisa nonton lagi. Brix datang, dan gak lama setelah itu pergi lagi ama cc gw, soalnya cc gw kerja. Gw sendiri lanjutin nonton sama main internet. Sorenya gw diajakin pergi ke ICF, sayangnya gw males, abis itu maleman diajakin nonton dan gw juga ga ikut. Brix datang dan biasa masak, ga lama kemudian cc gw pulang. fin

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Mood :

Music : I Can Only Imagine - Mercy Me

Hari ini cuma ada kelas inggris, pergi agak pagian. Jam 9 udah jalan dari apartemen, pergi ke universitynya cc gw dulu, DeVry, soalnya cc gw mau masuk ambil masternya disitu. Sampai disitu gw kira bakal gede gedungnya, ternyata cuma satu gedung aja, persegi 4 tapi gede banget. Ketemu sama advisornya, gw sendiri nunggu diluar karena bukan urusan gw. Abis dari situ pergi ke ke Bank, Hutington, mau bukain account buat gw, banknya sendiri ada ditengah kota, daerahnya OSU. Buka account gw sendiri, independent, cc gw transfer $400, sekarang belum punya ada kartunya, dapatnya temporary card, seminggu lagi baru dapat kartunya. Sebelum ke CSCC mampir dulu ke Wendys, maklum belum makan pagi. Gw diturunin di kampus dan cc gw pergi ke city centre sambil nungguin gw keluar.

Hari ini lumayan lama keluarnya, hampir penuh 50 menit itu. Kelasnya lumayan sepi hari ini, mungkin karena hari jumat. Kumpulin paper, abis itu ngelanjutin topic selanjutnya. Sekarang masuk ke paper 2, dimana kita buat paper berdasarkan artikel, kalau paper 1 topicnya personal experience, intinya sih buat essay tentang kita. Senin nanti katanya bakal nonton film buat contoh atau reference paper 2. Pulang darisitu, sebelum gw nelpon cc gw dia udah nelpon gw, dia stuck di mall gara2 ga ada uang kecil, karena tadi udah withdraw $400, dan maximal withdraw sehari bisanya cuma $400. Akhirnya dia nelpon Brix, abis itu jemput gw. Pulang dirumah gw langsung tidur, cc gw pergi lagi ke OSU. Selagi gw tidur cc gw pulang, cuma sebentar kayaknya karena dia harus kerja. Ga lama setelah itu gw bangun, cari makanan di dapur, dan ada pasta kemarin, angetin makan abis itu nonton. Somehow what abis itu gw ngemil lagi, makan cookies, poptart, sama potato chips sampai kenyang. Abis itu gw buat papernya business, binun gw kalau buat paper bisnis, dapat sih artikel tentang McD, tapi buat reviewnya gw ngecap semua, ga bisa ngomong2 apa, yang penting gw buat dan ngumpulin. Abis itu biasa gw nonton lagi, tidur2an, nonton, ngemil sampai sore. Agak malaman gw baru belajar karena besok gw ada test business yang pertama.

Ga lama setelah itu Brix datang ( apatermennya udah kaya rumahnya, setiap hari selalu tidur disini ), dia nonton di kamar dan gw nonton diluar sambil belajar. CC gw telpon ngajakin nonton, sayangnya filmnya belum ada jadi dia ngajakin makan aja ke waffle house. Sayang gw masih kenyang akibat ngemil, anehnya gw malah pesan pork chop sama waffle, wafflenya gw ga abisin karena bisa buat besok breakfast. Pulang masih merasa kenyang, belum bisa konsentrasi belajar, kepikiran harus ngisi blog dulu, jadi santai2 dulu. Udahan dulu gw mau belajar soalnya sama ngantuk nih.

Friday, January 28, 2005

mau komputer, mau ps2, mau mobil

Mood :

Music : Blessed be your name - Tree63

Hari ini gw ga ada kelas, jadi kerjaan gw sehari dirumah aja. Bangun sekitar jam 9-10 an, cc gw udah berangkat kerja. Perut kosong, langsung ke dapur cari makanan, untung di lemarin es masih ada popcorn chicken kemarin, gw panasin di microwave, pas gw lagi cari piring ternyata ada nasi, ga tahu nasi baru tadi pagi atau yang kemarin, langsung gw nyalain dan set ke warm buat ngangetin nasinya. Selagi nungguin, korek2 lemari snack, lihat snack yang dibeli kemarin PopTart, kaya biskuit tapi gede, diatasnya ada coklat dan ada isinya didalamnya, bisa dimakan langsung atau diangetin dulu, masukin toaster sebentar biar anget, isinya coklat + marshmalow. Abis itu gw makan popcorn chickennya pakai nasi, buat dessertnya gw buat roti yang gw isiin pakai cheese lalu gw masukin oven, jadi cheesenya melt didalam, abis itu ditambahin sama es krim vanilla. Abis selesai semuanya gw cuci sekalian piring2nya berhubung ga ada kerjaan.

Nonton TV sama tiduran sebentar, habis itu ngerjain essay inggris. Essaynya sendiri gw udah buat tapi bukan di komputer tapi di file, jadi gw cuma tinggal ketik aja. Sekalian ngedit2 sedikit karena menurut gw terlalu panjang. Browsing abis itu, ga ada kerjaan soalnya jadi lihat2 aja, keinget Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time, dan ada printer yang bisa print warna, keinget kemarin save gambarnya Sophia Esteed ( gw suka aja characternya ), gw print aja langsung pakai yang best quality, gambar dibawah gw dapat dari website lupa, sama ada juga di guidebooknya.

Selain itu ada beberapa chara lain yang gw suka, Rikku-nya FFX, Selphie dari FF8, sama Yufi dari FF7. Hal diatas mendorong gw untuk beli PS2, udah gatel pengen mainnya. CC gw sih udah nawarin beli disini, tapi gw mending beli di Indo karena udah ada modchipnya, takut kalau yang versi us susah dipasangin modchip kalau nanti gw balik ke Indo, dan juga game PS2 di Indo murah abis dibanding disini, ada sih yang pirated tapi susah nyarinya, dan rencananya gw pengen beli beberapa game asli seperti FFX, FFX-2, sama Star Ocean 3.

Abis itu soal komputer, gara2 keseringan nonton G4TV lihatin acara yang berhubungan sama game gw jadi pengen beli komputer, belum lagi ada advertisinya dari Nvidia sama Ati, bikin ngiler aja gw liatnya. Speknya sendiri sih udah ada sekitar $2000, cuma gw ga enak aja mintnya soalnya kalau dirupiahin kan lumayan tuh, apalagi cuma buat beli komputer, disamping itu gw juga berniat beli laptop, yang biasa aja karena cuma bakal gw pakai buat word processing sama internet aja, bugdetnya sekitar $700-800an. My wishlist lainnya yang gw mau dan sampai sekarang masih kependam : mp3 player sama mobil sendiri ( maksa ya gw).

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Tadi pergi belanja ke WalMart, sekitar jam 8an pas cc gw pulang kerja. Pulang kerja, bawa chicken nuggetnya wendys buat gw makan malam berhubung ga ada yang masak. Cek lemari es bisa dibilang kosong, akhirnya pergi deh ke WM. Kali ini pergi ke yang supercentrenya, yang paling gede dan buka 24 jam, lumayan jauh sih jalannya soalnya terletak di pinggiran kota, jalannya sih gampang, tinggal ambil north street terus aja ke utara.

Pergi kesananya lewat jalan biasa kan cc gw bilang jam segitu jamnya highway macet, pas lihat highway dari jauh lancar2 aja akhirnya masuk highway juga, ga macet sih cuma agak ramai aja arusnya. Waktu sampai disana, lihat dari luar sih gedenya sama kaya WM terakhir yang gw pergi, pas masuk baru kerasa gede banget, panjang banget kebelakang. Pertama beli buah, karena stand buah2an ada didepan, beli alpokat sama pisang, jalan kebelakang dikit masuk stand daging, semua daging disini udah di packed, jadi ga kaya di market indo bisa beli mau sesuai kemauan kita, disini ga bisa karena semua udah dipacked. Beli daging sapi ( steak, thin cut ) sama babi ( steak ), kalau dibilang harganya sih lumayan rata2 $8-10 untuk daging sapi, tapi dagingnya banyak dan tebal dan udah us meat, ga kaya di indo ada daging lokal atau impor, disini mah mau mana ada daging impor. Daging babi disini kata cc gw paling murah, yang paling mahal ayam sama ikan. Ada lihat lobster ( serius beneran ) ditaruh didalam akuarium, dan yep! you can buy it!. Beli daging2 olahan kaya sosis, bakso, bacon/ham buat pelengkap. Untuk ayam tadinya mau beli, sayangnya kelupaan beli. Abis dari meat stand pergi ke tengah2, beli macem2 tapi rata2 snack and drink, orange juice, soymilk, chocolate, cookies, bread, etc. Juga beli kebutuhan pokok kaya gula, minyak, telor. Abis semuanya kebeli pas mau ke kasir, gw lihat kereta belanja ga penuh2 banget, gw kira bakal belanja banyak, gw bilang jauh2 kesini belanja cuma segini. Kasirnya sendiri self service, ada sih yang ada orangnya tapi rata2 pada self service. Total belanjaan kurang lebih $45.

Pulang dari Walmart, kali ini lewat jalan biasa. Hitung jalan2, basicly hanya lewat Hight street aja, karena high street itu lurus2 aja jalannya dan sangat panjang. Lewat kota kecil sepanjang jalan pulang. Kalau mau diperhatiin disini ( amrik ) banyak gereja, taruhlah setiap 30 menit jalan pasti lihat gereja, atau disetiap blok pasti ada. Abis itu juga, funeral home, cc gw bilang kalau ada yang meninggal orang bakal pergi kesitu, bukannya ke gereja. Gw juga dengar kalau Ohio termasuk 5 besar unhealthy nation, katanya sih ada hubungannya dengan banyaknya restoran disini. Pas jalan pulang juga turun snow, ga lebat baru permulaan sih, anehnya pas gw sampai ke apartemen hilang snownya.

Di apatermen seperti biasa nyalain laptop, gw ngangetin chicken nugget sama ditambah popcorn chicken ( beli di walmart ) buat dinner gw. Abis itu cc gw suruh masuk websitenya t mobile, gw lupa bilang kalau hp gw ke blok, berhubung gw nyoba2 pin en ga bisa2 jadinya ke blok kartunya. Cari2 info di websitenya en ga ada, cc gw telepon ke supportnya dan akhirnya telepon gw kenuka lagi, selain itu gw juga dapat nomor puknya. Abis itu gw makan sambil nonton TV, cc gw surfing. Ga lama setelah itu Brix datang, ga tahu kenapa hampir setiap hari dia tidur disini, udah kaya rumahnya aja, sebenarnya sih gw ga suka tapi apa boleh buat, asal gw dapat komputer sama ps2 gw sih bakal anteng2 aja di kamar.

bingung mau tulis apa

Mood :

Music : Fucking Determine - Mudvayne

Baru pulang dari kampus, lumayan udah agak lama, soalnya sekarang lagi makan sama ngemil. Gw hari ini udah tegang aja masuk kelas inggris, dan ternyata semuanya jalan lancar2 aja, gw kira gw bakal kena scold sama gurunya gara2 udah ga masuk 2x, senangnya gw, abis itu juga soal paper, harus diketik, dia kasih deadline penalty sampai hari jumat nanti, gw sendiri udah buat tapi belum diketik di komputer. Tadi kelas inggris ga lama, cuma 1/2 jam doank, cuma tukeran essaynya sama teman sebelah supaya bisa saling meriksa, yang mau nanya ya nanya, yg diem aja ada.

Selesai inggris gw ada kelas mat, dan hari itu gw tes 1, berhubung kelas inggrisnya keluarnya lebih cepat, gw sempat belajar dulu. Pas gw ke davidson hall, kelas sebelumnya masih belim keluar, maklum masih jam 12.40 an, jadi gw duduk dilantai luar sambil belajar. 5 menit sebelum jam 1 kelasnya bubar dan gw bisa masuk. Sempet review2 sebentar sebelum Amy masuk, nunggu sampai jam 1 pas dan test papernya dibagiin. Gw pikir bakal susah, ternyata ga sesusah yang gw kira, padahal gw kurang nangkap seluruh pelajaran, tetapi gw bisa ngerjain seluruh tesnya dengan yakin, semoga aja bisa apat nilai bagus, ga lebih dari 20 menit gw udah selesai dan boleh keluar.

Pulang naik bus seperti biasanya. Sampai dirumah laper, dilemari es masih ada sup yang kemarin, gw panasin en makan. Buat desert gw buat roti gw isi pakai keju, lalu gw masukin oven biar kejunya melted, sesudah di toast atasnya gw kasih eskrim vanilla buat penambah rasa sekaligus biar sedap dipandang mata. Sekarang gw mau tidur dulu, masih ngantuk soalnya.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

pengen main ps2

Mood :

Music : Carry Your Candle - Chris Rice

Hari ini asik abis, gw udah tegang aja waktu mau masuk kelas inggris, soalnya udah 2x ga masuk minggu lalu, eh ternyata kali ini gurunya yang absent. Ga nunggu lama sebelum masuk kelas mat, 50 menit, duduk2 aja di madison hall, beli minuman sama snack aja dari vending machine buat nunggu, abis itu duduk dibawah tangga belakang di davidson hall. Masuk kelas inggris cuma sebentar, dikasih review excercise buat test hari rabu nanti, kalau udah selesai bisa minta kuncinya dan pulang, gw sendiri termasuk orang yang paling belakangan keluar sampai gw selesai kerjainnya sama minta kuncinya.

Pulang seperti biasa naik bus, untung gw pakai baju triple, t shirt, training jacket, sama jacket, asli dingin banget padahal matahari terik2nya waktu itu. Pulang seperti biasa naik bus 16 ( 11 juga bisa ), transfer ke bus 2 yg rata2 semua lewat hight street. Pulang ke rumah, makan siang dulu, abis itu nonton gundam hasil d/l kemarin. Abis itu gw tidur siang, bangunnya lumayan sore, main komputer lagi, biasa cek2 harga komputer di newegg. Agak malaman jam 8an cc gw pulang, ngajakin makan keluar, kali ini ke resto jepang, namanya "Japanese Restaurant", restoran jepang yang paling terkenal di Columbus. Gw pesen Udon Tempura, cc gw pesen Kalbi Bi, sama sushi tempura. Pulang dari situ mampir ke Target buat beli Tissue Roll.

Monday, January 24, 2005

akhirnya kasur baru

Mood :

Music : Show Me Your Glory - Third Day

Hari ini ke gereja lagi, setelah minggu lalu absent karena pergi ke Detroit. Pergi ke gereja yang jam 9.15 pagi, tapi datangnya agak telat dikit, setelah worship ( nyanyi2 ). Pas datang pelataran parkirnya gak sepenuh waktu minggu lalu, mungkin sih karena masih pagi, paling yang penuh nanti yang jam 11.30. Didalam gedungnyapun ga pebuh2 banget, di balkon atas masih banyak tempat kosong, pas kita datang pendetanya lagi ceramah sebelum ngelanjutin ke khotbah. Seperti biasa ketemu beberapa orang setelah selesai, lumayan lama juga gw nunggunya. Ada Brian - anggota small group cici gw, ada juga temen kk co ama cc gw, ketemu dot yang juga sama2 anggota small group, ketemu Mark sekeluarga - missionary dari church ini yang pernah pergi ke Indonesia dan akan pergi lagi.

Pulang dari situ kita pergi makan. Makan dimsum di restoran yang ga begitu jauh dari gereja, Shangrila. Pesen dimsum yang biasa seperti ubi goreng isi daging ( kaya combro ), siomay, udang, bubur yg isinya irisan daging babi, fried beancurd, sama kue wijen isi kacang merah. Restorannya sih katanya terkenal, tapi dilihat dari luar biasa2 aja ga terkesan mewah, ruangan dalamnya gw bilang kecil untuk restoran, tapi memadailah.

Abis makan kita pergi cari futon, pergi ke Meijer, kaya WalMart / Target, tapi harga barang2nya lebih murah. Waktu masuk, kesannya kayanya ga sebagus WalMart atau Target, beli futon, keset kaki buat kamar mandi, sedot buat wc kalau mampet, dan sepasang jacket ( gara2 gw ga pakai jacket ). Untungnya Brix kali ini pakai mobil bokapnya, Nissan Pathfinder, jadi futonnya muat masuk, coba kalau bawa sedan bingung dah jadinya.

Pulang ke apartemen langsung rapih2 kamar, keluarin kasur yang ada di kamar, buka futonnya dan ternyata ga sepanjang yang dikira, dan masih kerasa keras karena langsung ditaruh ke lantai ga kaya kasur2 biasa dimana ada 2 lapis. Abis itu gw tidur, dan baru kali ini selama gw tinggal disini gw dapat mimpi, ga tahu juga pertanda sesuatu kali. Brix masak buat kita. Abis itu tadi pergi ke Barnes & Nobles lagi seperti biasa.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Mood :

Music : I Surrender All - Mercy Me

Udah seminggu nga ngisi, berhubung minggu kemarin banyak hari kosongnya jadi keasikan main sampai lupa waktu.
Hari senin kemarin di US libur, Martin Luther King Day.
Hari selasanya gw kebetulan ga ada kelas.
Hari rabunya gw ada 2 kelas, inggris sama mat, tapi gw ga masuk, gara2 kesiangan bangunnya jadi tanggung ga usah masuk aja hari itu.
Hari kamis gw kosong lagi. Pas hari ini juga Brix ngajak gw ke Gym, kayanya sih disuruh sama cc gw soalnya Brix taat aja ama kata2 cc gw.
Hari Jumat ada 1 kelas doang, sayangnya gw bolos lagi, padahal kelasnya cuma 50 menit -> inggris. Pulangnya gw naik bus, baru pertama kali naik bus untuk rute pulang, setidaknya gw tahu cara balik kalau ga ada yang bisa jemput.
Hari ini sabtu, gw ada kelas dan gw masuk, maupun pagi2 ini ada turun snow sama windy. Kelasnya ga rame mungkin gara2 snow. Pulangnya pas gw balik si Jimmy udah ruangan, alias gw punya kamar sendiri sejak itu. Rapih2 Kamar, abis itu pergi ke Target buat beli barang2 kecil buat kamar gw, sama kebutuhan lainnya. Beli tempat sampah, tempat baju kotor, pewangi ruangan, gantungan baju, dan gw beli Lava Lamp, udah dari dulu gw pengen punya Lava Lamp sayangnya di indo ga ada yang jual. Jam 3-an lebih cc gw pergi ke tempat kerja.

Gara2 ga ada kerjaan dan ga punya komputer bagus, gw akhirnya download banyak ROM buat snes, rata2 semuanya RPG yang bisa dimainin lama. Parahnya lagi gara2 main terus / keseringan main yang kadang2 sampai pagi, waktu tidur gw jadi hilang, jadi baru pas pagi harinya gw tidur, dan gw ada bolos kelas gara2 bangun kesiangan. Yang lagi gw mainin sekarang : Front Mission sama Star Ocean.
Udah juga d/l Gundam SEED Destiny ep 14, sayangnya gw ga puas aja nontonnya, jadi pengen cepet lihat yang ep 15-16.
Kemungkinan besar dalam waktu2 dekat ini gw mau beli komputer, gw bilangnya ke mama gw ntar aja kalau udah dapat kamar, en berhubung gw udah ada kamar gw bisa minta.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Today was sure a long day

Mood :

Music : When The Rain Comes - Third Day

At last home, just went home from NAIAS ( North American International Auto Show ) in Detroit, Michigan. Woke up at 5 am, Leo knocked at the apartment to see me if i'm ready, i said just a minute because i wanted to take a shower first. After took a bath, brushed my tooth and washed my face, then i went to Leo's room, everybody already gathered there, there were 3 people there Aan, Jay, Benny, the last people to came was Mario. And then we went. The weather outside was snowy and very cold at that time. We used 2 cars, first is Jay car that is Nissan Maxima 2.5 with Benny & Aan, the other cars was Mario Audi S4 with Leo & Me.

First we went at ATM to get some money ( not me but them, cause i dont have credit card ), and then continue the journey. While on the road, we stoped at McDonald to get a breakfast, dine in in there not drive thru. When we got into the building, there were no people there except us and McD employees, in the corner of the room exactly in front of order desk, there were a game station for kids, it's a gamecube console, there are 4 of them, 2 of them are kirby's game, 1 tennis game and the other is racing game. We played for a couple minutes while waiting our turn to order. I ordered combo no.7 that are bagel with steak, egg and cheese ( basicly it's a beef burger ), a hashbrown, and a drink of your choice ( i choose orange juice ). Ate in there, had a little chat and then took off.

The journey itself kinda harsh, because :
- we went in the morning and the sky was still dark,
- i didnt realized there was snowstorm at that time,
- the road was covered by snow that made dangerous,
- the temperature was freakingly cold that morning ( 10 degree F ),
the road to Detroit isnt very complicated, mostly we're taking the freeway, first we make way to Toledo. that was around 2.30 - 3 hours, and then from Toledo took only around 45 minutes - 1 hours to Detroit. We stoped in the convienence store to go to bathroom and buy some drinking water.

While in our way to Toledo, we saw an accident in front of us, after getting closer to the car, Mario recognized the owner of the car, it's Dominique, one of our friends that went earlier ahead of us had an accident, i didnt know the detail because when we arrived there it already happened. We stoped and got out the car and asked what happen, not long after that a firefighters came, also with tv news and police after that, after awhile a tow truck came and the car was towed to a autoshop There were 5 car that involved, only 3 cars damaged, first minivan in front of him only damaged the fron of the car, then his car Honda Accord that had damaged inj the back of the car, and the third car had the most damage. Luckily there were no injuries in this accident. The car was towed to autoshop in Toledo, and then left there. After that the truck driver show way to us to rental car "Enterprise". In there once again we all got out the car and wait in inside the building, not to forgot borrowing the bathroom. After all done, Dominiques rent Chevrolet Aveo, we continued the journey to Detroit. But this time their car cant went faster, because it's a small car, if they go to fast can cause the car "flying". So we went went ahead with Jay and left them behind.

Less than 1 hours later we arrived in Detroit around 12 pm. Parked the car in the place near the autoshow, while we parking, Mario recognized a car that belongs to his friend Joko, Honda Accord Coupe, and park beside the car. We had to walked a little to get to the pace, the temperature wqas very cold compare in the columbus, ohio, so we had to walk faster. I side the building was warmer cause there were so many people inside. Bought a little snack and bouhgt a water, went to the bathroom, bought the tickets $12. and then went inside. There was nothing special about the autoshow, there were a lot of cars, a lot of people, the building was very big, 3 floors, but only 1 floor used to show the cars.

We had been there for almost 5 - 6 hours, and i though everybody were tired. Gathered in the main lobby area, rest a little before went back home. Because everybody were hungry and that time was Dinner time, someone suggested that we ate in Detroit , there's a restaurant that we want to go but no one knew the phone number or the addres, so Joko suggested that we eat in Toledo, The restaurant located in Toledo area, it called Fujiyama, japanese restaurant, I had a Gyoza and Chcken Teriyaki. After finished, and not to forgot to the bathroom first we, we straight went h9me cause it's already 8 pm. On the way home i slept so there is nothing i can tell and arrived safely in Columbus around 10.30 pm. And thats all i can told, it's not accurate or detail but that covers all of it.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

At last ( school ) problem finished

Mood :

Music : Word Of God Speak - Mercy Me

At last i got the class, made it to 12 credit hours. The class start at 8.30 am, and most of them are adults, though there are some younger people. The class ended around 11 am, 2 hours faster than i excpected, but sure i'm glad, besides only once a week class, talhe class duration may vary but not that long like writen in the course list that 5 hours, and the teacher was great, what else can you get. Beside that i joined a group with 3 other people, it must because we will have presentasion in the end of the quarter, also make an essay about all things that related to management each quarters. My sister came to paid the tuition, but sadly it saturday and the office was closed, i must come to records & registration office next week, because i'am already late i have to register to that office.

After that we went to Kaufmann ( a mall ) in the downtown Columbus, my sister wanted to bought something in Victoria's Secret, because they were on sale. When we got there, the mall was kinda empty or quiet, not may people came here, my sister said it's because of there were mall in easton, so this mall popularity decrease. For a mall it's very empty, especially in saturday when people like to go out, there were also store that closed. Though it's empty, there was always poeple coming in and out no matter what. In the victoria secrets, my sister wanted to bought a cosmetics, she went there, i and Brix went to Banana Republic not far from there. Not long while we looking through pants in banana republic, my sister came, she told that the pruducts werent sold in this place. So we went home and as usuall i always turn on the computer and sat nicely.

Not long after that my sister went to work leaving me alone with Jimmy, not long after that i got tired and got sleep, when i woke up it's already 5 pm, Jimmy already went to ICF, and my stomach growl for food, so i need to find something to eat, there is still crispy fried pork from yesterday, so i warm that, combine with kikkoman souce that i mixed with a sugar and ate. Still not full because i ate without rice, need to find something to fill up my 1/2 empty stomach, luckily there is an ice cream in refrigerator. Around 7 pm Brix came for cook, and not long after that Jimmy went home too. Nothing else to say after this, i stil in front of computer : D

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Chilling sunny day

Mood :

Music : You Love Oh Lord - Third Day

Mmm today i only got 1 class, english, 12.00-12.50 pm, when i came into class the teacher was already there, with few of students. Following my intuition I sat in the back line as always. I guessed the class started already, but i though they just waited for a few more minutes. Actually for that day i had a homework, and i didnt do it, kinda nervous though so i just sat calmly. And then he asked me "do you know what that words mean" about the words that written in the chalkboard. That sure made me nervous, so i just said what written in the board, and yes right my answer was wrong. He asked me that are me the one that came late for register, at that time i though that he kinda dislike me and mumble about that the student absence / attendance list was messed up, and told me that i didnt know there were a homework because i miss the first week, after that he gave me a piece of paper consisting of list of phone numbers of my classmates, told to wrote them, and yeah that's what i am doing after that. He then continued with the lesson, talked about the essays in the book, and gave some question to us. Today lesson not much, just talking about the essay, after that collecting the homework, and than he gave us a homework again then finished the class. And sure that was fast, i went out around 12.30 pm, 20 minutes earlier, maybe because it's saturday and there was no many class today.

I called my sister to picked me up, because she worked at 3 pm today so she can picked me up. Then we went to have some lunch in Joe's Place, it's chinese restaurant that very popular to indonesian people, when we got there there were many indonesians, there were also my sister friends. We ordered Grilled Crispy Fish with Black Bean Sauce and Fried Rice. The prices in here is kinda reasonable, most of them are the same prices that around $5-6, the most expensive i think $8, not to forgot the taste was great too. After that we went home. As usual i turned on the computer and my sister back to slept. When i saw the clock showing 3 pm pas few minutes and my sister still not coming out, at least prepare herself. Just i suspected she still sleeping, and then i woke her up. She went around half past 3. And again i am alone again.

Around 6-7 pm Brix came to the apartment, and then he cooked for us. It sure took a long time to cook for just 2 dishes, he finished cooked around 9 pm with Fried Crispy Pork and Veggie dish. While he was cooking, Jimmy came home, forgot the time, and then she watched tv. Brix then told us to eat when he finished cooking, my sister came around half past 10, joined Jimmy watched tv, and now she is already in her room, Brix stay tonight, and i still in front of my computer.

Friday, January 14, 2005

At last...but still had to wait

Mood :

Music : God of Wonders - Third Day & Caedmon Call's

Just got back from outside. We went to my sister church / bibble small group that held in Vineyard Church, basicly it's the same as we go to the church, but this time is only few people with a group leader. When we got there, there were only 2 people besides us, that gives total 5 people attended the meeting. I thought there were still people coming, but until the end of it there were no one coming again maybe because it's raining and the weather is so cold. It ended before 9 pm. After that we went to Waffle House to ate. I ate T-Bone steak, harshbrown ( potato ), scrambled egg with cheese and bread. My sister ate waffle and bacons and Brix ate harshbrown and waffle.

Today i got no class, but i still had to go to campus to register for the class. The class that Susan suggested to us were full so we try to figure out. And after that we serched the class again in the computer, there were none, if it were it had a time conflict with my 2 other classes. After spent hours trying to figure out, we gave up, but before went home, Brix sat down in the table near the office, trying to figure out again, and then Amy showed up, asked him and went into room near him. Went she showed up again, she told us to follow her to her office, in there she helped me again, suggested a BGMT (business management) class, she called the BGMT department, she talked that she will sent somebody to had the signature ( me ), we went there and got the signature of the chaiperson, but still still must have the teacher signature, the class is in saturday, from 8.30 am - 1.00 pm, that is sure long class but only once a week, and only for less 10 weeks.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Mood :

Music : Just To Be With You - Third Day

Just got home from outside ( 1 hour ago ). We went out to buy my "personal things" in WallMart. Actually we could buy it in the nearest mart like target, but my sister said that WallMart price are more cheaper and competitive and so we went. The WallMart itself located in the outskirt of the town, around 30 minutes by car. One thing that was weird that we only buy 2 items, one is my "personal item" and the other is socks, only that, can you imagine we traveled a long way just to buy 2 items. From there we stoped at Barnes & Nobles, spending time reading a book accompanied by a cup of Starbucks Coffee. After that we went home.

For today everything works smoothly, I had a class in 12 pm and 1 pm, and my sister had to work at 8.30 am, so i had no choice to took a bus with Jimmy. This was the first time i took bus in here, walked not far from apartment to the bus stop, had a little chat with her. I had to pay $1.35 for 2 hours pass, it means i can take as many as i can in 2 hours period. Road to CSCC only take 2 bus, first we got the bus from terminal near our apartment, and then got out in downtown, from there we took another bus to terminal near campus. Since i had many time left so i slept in student lounge in Nestor Hall. The first class, english, was dismissed, i didnt know why, the teacher just gave us a homework. The 2nd class, math, i got a quiz, and i didnt worked very well in this one, surprisingly i got 2 correct out of 6. After the class i went to student lounge again, and it was very empty that time, so i slep again before Brix picked me up around 3.30 pm. On the way home, we stopped at United Dairy Farmer to buy my sister favourite snacks -> "Mike-Sells" pork rinds and "United Dairy Farmer" ice cream. We arrived at apartment alongside with my sister. Nothing much to tell after this, we had a dinner, i took a bath and we went out ( read paragaraph 1 ).

Forgot to tell that i download MAME, an emulator for arcade game. Currently only have a few roms, around 10 or more. I downloaded it cause it's so boring in here, can do nothing except go to campus, watch tv, and surfing the internet, i wish i have a new computer or a ps2 right now. Beside downloading games, i too download songs from Kazaa. All of them are christian contemporary that i heard from radio that i liked after heard for the first time, somehow what i started liking this genre. Lastly, this sunday, i'll go to Detroit to watch Norh American International Autoshow that held in Detroit. Hopefully can post some photos.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

No luck today

Mood :

Music : Blessed Be Your Name - Tree63

Couldnt get the class today, eventhough i was on campus since 8 am, and then went home around 6 pm. The first class i try was HUM111 at 8.30 to 9.50 am, i got into the class with Brix ( he even got into the class until finished ), the teacher is a good person his name is J.Bauges, but i cant signup cause he's already overlimit, so he told us to go to his friend ( HUM teacher too ) Tim Davis, because he owed him something. Guess what? bad news again, cause his class was also overlimit, so he suggest to go to other HUM teacher. And sadly all the teacher dont have office hour, they are part time teacher, so the only chance we can get signature is by going straight into the class.

Because we couldnt do nothing so he suggested that we go home, but unfortunately we dont have the key, so we must pick the key at my sister workplace. After arrived at Lazarus, we didnt have the key immediately, because my sister still had customer, so we must wait. To make the waiting time longer, i think there was her boss/manager, the guy who wearing a formal suit, so we just had to wait, cause we didnt want to disturb my sister, walk around in the men shoes section. Pick the key when my sister had her luch break, and guess what? she bought me a new shoe again, puma, black with red stripes, kinda like ninja shoe cause doesnt have the rope. After that we went back and my sister taking his lunch break in Wendy's, cause the time was near so we didnt went home instead went to cscc.

The second class that i got in was ANTH200 at 2.00 - 4.20 pm. I got in the class, and Brix went home. The class is kinda big, when first i came, it already started but there was no teacher there, they were watching a documentary film, so must be the teacher left them. After an hour just vefore the film was finished he came, just sitting around loking at his Mac laptop and then went out again. The film itself was about genetic, it's a good movie to watch. It finished around 3 pm, and then he continued with lecture. Class finished around 4 pm and i couldnt get the signature from the teacher, and at that time Brix wasnt there yet, so i just waited sitting around. When He came to pick me up, i said that i cant sing up for the class, then suggested that we try tommorow class.

Just before we go home, i said that why dont we asked the international enrollment advisors, he said that was a good idead then we went to Maddison Hall. In there we couldnt meet with Amy Bureau, instead we met Susan Ramsy ( the women that helped me when i'm with my sister ) . This time he also helped me a lot again, suggested me to a different classes including 5 week classes, and now i had several choice to choose as the last resort if tommorow i could not register again. After that we went home, and somehow what i felt at ease, eventhough i still have to register for the class. After went home, my sister and jimmy already there, Brix cooked and i went to bath because i havent took a bath for 2 days. After bath I ate, Brix made a soup, and then here i am in front of computer writing this blog.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Only one left

Mood :

Music : I can Only Imagine - Mercy Me

Today everything went as planned, thought there was a little disturbance. I got my 2nd class today that's MATH 103, twice a week, first is monday that is lecture class, and second it is in moday and this is lab session. For ENGL 101 i got thrice a week, thats monday, wednesday and friday. And tommorow i'll try to register 3rd class, i hope i'll get the good one whether it's ANTR or HUM, because the teacher of english and mathemathic were nice, sure i'm lucky.

Download lot of manga since yesterday , now i'm having a least 1 gb of manga, around 950 mb of anime episodes ( all gundam seed destiny ), and few songs. Since the space is limited in this laptop, i cant download to much, at least until i have my own computer.

Currently i like to hear contemporary christian, it's actually pop song that have religius lyric, there are 2 songs that i heard most that are : Here I Am To Worship - Tim Hughes and I Can Only Imagine - Mercy Me, somehow what when the firt time i heard the song, i liked it so much, somehow what it's giving warm feeling inside.

And This is the last week i slep in the outside, because this saturday Jimmy will move to another room, so i'll have my own room.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Tomorrow / Tommorow...!!!

Mood :

Music : Here i am to worship - Tim Hughes

Mmm sunday, today i went with my sister to the church for the 2nd time in Us, we went to 11.30 am session. And also i'm happy that Brix wasnt with us today. Nothing to told about, came a little late so we seat in 2nd floor. And I actually enjoying the idea of going to the church compare than when i'm in Indonesia. After that we went to the Target in Easton area, target is a hypermarket. Bought some daily necesities and $1 stuff. After that we went home.

Around 3 pm or more Brix came, then we all going to the Easton again. This time we accompany Brix because he wants to find a present for his friend. First we went to Lazarus, and bed & bath ( if i'm not mistaken ), then went to Pier 1 Imports ( it's a store that selling import stuff, mostly furniture, but there are food also ), of those 3 store he didnt buy anything. Last we went to WorldMarket ( a store that sell home furniture ) and yet couldnt find anything. My sister said that he shouldnt buy today, there is still tomorrow, so we didnt buy anything and went home.

Yesterday we went watch a movie in the AMC theatre, watched "Meet the Fockers", this is my 2nd time watch a movie in the theatre, the first movie i watch was "Finding Neverland" in these theatre too ( there are only 2 movie theatre in Columbus ). We took the 9.50 pm one, and we still have a time to do something, so we go to Barne's & Nobles Bookstores to read a book accompanied by a cup of Starbucks cofee. The other thing that i can mention was we had a somekind of pretzels but it's kinda different ( tiny salty bread ), my sister liked when you stick it with cheese, Brix had a Jallapeno pepper with him, and also a huge cup of coke.
Yesterday noon i done nothing, just laying around in the apartment, watching tv, washing dishes, and do anything useful. I spent most of time alone, cause my sister is working, but sometimes Brix come, and not to forget there is also Jimy ( She will go out this saturday, move to the apartment room next door 217/215 ). When my sister home around 6 pm, she bought me a new shoes, puma brand, grey, and was on sale. After that we went to the movie. ( read paragraph above )

Saturday, January 08, 2005

series of unfortunate event???

Mood :

Music : Here i am to worship - Tim Hughes

Few, at last i can connect to the internet again because i broke the computer another day. Actually i didnt do nothing, the laptop just didnt want to load the window. It happened after i install and uninstall spybot search & destroy ( a spyware, adware, malware, etc tool removal ) and after that, it wont load the windows. There was a blue screen after window xp logo, then it restart the laptop automaticly. Luckily my sister know a friend that can fixed it ( actually i could do it to, since i dont have the software i could do nothing about it ) and now the laptop is back running healthy and smoothly. And for the internet connection, have a little problem here.

There was a lot thing happened since my last post, first is my birthday at 30 december, not many people know, the first people that congratulate me was my mother and my sister, and 2 of my friends in Indonesia Regi and Rian the day after by sms. Nightime we all ( me, my sister, jimmy and brix ) went ate outside. Went to Bucca di Beppo, an Italian restaurant that located in the central of city.

The day after that 31 december, there was nothing special about it, no celebration, no fireworks ( probihited in here ), and there werent any people in the road that celebrate new year. We went to the party to celebrate new year that held in joe's house, most of them are from ICF ( Indonesian Christian Foundation ), although not all of them are christian. We couldnt stayed long because my sister had to work the day after so we went home around 11 pm. There was nothing special happened at the time before new year, it seems like nothing happened just like ordinary day.

Around this week too, my sister took me to his church, Vineyard. The church itself it's very big, it has it's own bookstore, cafetaria, gymnasium ( if i'm not mistaken ), and maybe there is still others that i dont know yet. And also the church has it's own recording company, music stuff can be buy in the bookstore also. The process itself is different from our country, it's more open and simple, first we sing a couple of songs, and then speech, followed by praying and sing again. The song itself not like old traditional gospel that can make people bored ( no offense ), in here there is a genre called contemporary christian.

2 days after new year ( forgot what happened in those 2 days ), 3 january, winter class began. And at that day i received my ESL test, the score was good so i can straight go took ENGL 101 without taking ESL class. At that day too i took COMPASS/Math placement test, my result is sure bad, it scored 43/63 and recommended me taking MATH 101. After that we went to the advisor to seek advice. I took 3 classes : ENGL 101, MATH 103, and choose betwen ANTH 200 or HUM 111. Because i registered late, i must have the teachers signature to register the classes, same like the student who drop and add ( re-registered ) their classes.

Until today i only got 1 class, need 2 classes again to fullfill minimal credit hours that is 12. And all that couldnt happen without the help of my sister. Today we went to the campus at 8:00 am. We meet with the one of the international enrollment advisors, and she helped us a lot. She told us the go to each department and get their chairperson signature or the teachers. Sadly today is friday and the 2 other classes are in the monday to thursday, so our only hope was to get the chairperson signature and we couldnt got it. They said there is still next week, but for that we have to have the signature of both teacher and chairperson. And the only thing is wait for monday and just hope everything will go well.

Actually thats not all, but thats all that i can remember.