Saturday, June 14, 2008

Graduated on Friday the 13th!!!

gw baru sadar kalau hari ini hari jumat dan tanggal 13 pula 0_O?

anyway tadi gw barusan graduate =)
akhirnya selesai juga, setelah 4 tahun struggle kuliah naik turun akhirnya survive juga, well there are good and bad times on those period, and now here i am graduate at last!

thank you banget yang udah support gw selama 4 tahun ini, terutama orang tua dan cc gw (dah balik dia), not to mention orang2 di IFGF juga ( budiman yang udah bantuin gw buat video speechnya =P, thx bud). meski ortu gw ga bisa dateng, thanx banget buat yang dateng tadi, Bu Yuli, Yoni, Andre sama Brix =D

sekali lagi yay for no more class =P (at least for now)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Counting the days!!!

wohoo today is my last day in campus and we pretty much doing nothing in class, just sitting around talking to each other =D. usually this week should be final week and normally we have a final exam whatsoever, but lol somehow we don't have any exam, we just had a simple essays about "rate your classmates"

and at last, it's next week!!!