Saturday, April 03, 2004



Music:Everybody Hurts - R.E.M

asli kesel banget gwa, account RO gwa kena hack, 3-3nya kena T_T
gwa sial amet kena hack nihh, hasil kerja keras selama 5 bulan hilang
semuanya (ga semua sih), disisain barang2 yg jelek2 aja (ga laku kali)
anyway it's just a game, why bother it so much cuuz i don't really care
about it, also me already want's to migrate to Iris server ^^

becoz of above, now i really2 want to be a hacker -> getting revenge
the easiest way is create a virus, found a few programs in the internet
that can instantly make a virus & actually easy to use (d/l few of them)
with just a few click you can create a simple virus (instant virus maker)
save it as a .doc file and send it to e-mail of victims a couple of times
(a lot's of them to make it sure, spam is good in this case >o<)

anyway gwa ketemu game online lagi -> "Priston Tale" & masih dalam
tahap d/l sih (kira2 360mb), baru dapat sekitar 100-mb-an sih karena
gwa d/l nya kepisah2 jadi ga 1 file besar sekaligus (mencegah terjadi
error saat mendowload, better be safe)

nb: mungkin juga "omen" dari yg Atas kali ya, gwa udah banyak bolos
kuliah sih (maybe right) @_@

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