Friday, March 10, 2006

mmm banana pancakes

Mood :

Music : Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

"cant you see it is just raining, there aint no need to go outside"

hooo, to tell you the truth even i rarely go outside even it isn't raining.
oh well kebetulan gw sendiri disini ga ngapa2in, cuma browsing aja dari tadi nungguin downloadan selesai, ga ada salahnya ngisi blog yang hampir terlupakan ini =P

let's see, mau diisi apa ya...., bingung gw mau diisi apaan, spam aja dah gw XD
gw sekarang lagi duduk didepan komputer, browsing internet sambil dengerin lagunya Supercar punyanya storywrinter ( salah satu soundtracknya eureka7 ), jendela disamping gw buka lebar2 karena gw suka aja lihat hujan (btw disini lagi hujan), sambil makan orange mandarin yang dimana gw udah habisin, gw ngisi ini blog yang dimana gw kehabisan ide makanya kaya gini isinya XP, lumayanlah daripada ga ngisi. segitu aja spamnya =P

kinda comeback lagi ke online game belakangan ini, bulan kemarin gw giat banget main yang dimana gw sekarang dah jarang mainin, gw sendiri rada2 bosen sama tipikal mmorpg yang dimana hack&slash, but hella im still playing l2 in my own server. sekarang ini gw lagi main lagi, sekarang gamenya udah mendingan ga kaya dulu pertama kali buka. dan ga lupa gw sendiri sampai sekarang masih nungguin open betanya RO2.

well kebetulan gw suka aja ngunjungin wiki, dan iseng2 aja gw nyari info;
Transformation fetish is a form of sexual fetishism in which a person becomes sexually aroused by descriptions or depictions of transformations, usually the transformations of people into other beings or objects. It can be considered a paraphilia. Most transformation interests are not paraphilia-based, typically having their roots in mythological or literary accounts of transformation.

gw kepikiran apa gw salah satunya =P, gw sendiri sih pribadi suka2 aja, bisa dibilang lebih dibanding pornography. subject diatas sendiri masih dibagi beberapa kategori lagi, dan yang gw cuma suka yang transgender;
A type of transformation fetish where the person is aroused by the idea, description, or depiction of a person of one gender transforming into a member of the other gender; usually the stories depict magical changes. Many of these stories involve magical talismans, rings, or necklaces, and they often involve the 'victim' being involved in sexual situations as a member of the opposite sex. A typical plot involves a person becoming the opposite sex, engaging in various forms of sexual activity, and eventually becoming so satisfied with their new forms that they decline to change back, even if a cure is readily available. There are, however, sites that attempt to do TG literature without the sexual content. Characters still rarely, if ever, get reverted to male form.

current download : Shura no Toki

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